Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Odd Molly xx Southside Festival

Hallo ihr Lieben,

heute mal ein deutscher Post. Ganz einfach aus dem Grund, dass ich Tickets für das Southside Festival verlosen darf plus einen Gutschein für den Odd Molly Onlineshop. Whoop, whoop! 

ODD MOLLY wurde 2002 in Stockholm gegründet. Das schwedische Fashion- und Lifestylelabel versteht sich als eine Hommage an die originale Molly einem Skater-Mädchen der 80er Jahre aus Venice Beach, das unbeirrt seinen Weg ging und seine Träume lebte. Ihre Lebenslust und ihr unbändiges Selbstbewusstsein durchzieht die gesamte Marke. Die ebenso verspielt- weiblichen wie coolen Looks gibt es online zu kaufen.

Passend zur Festival Saison zeigt ODD MOLLY ab Sommer 2016 eine wunderschöne Festival Kollektion. Die so genannte Tribute Kollektion umfasst lange Kleider mit Allover-Prints, kurze und lange One-Pieces, bestickte Tops und Blusen, einen Parka und coole Denim-Styles, zum Teil mit Schlag. Immer dabei: ein bisschen Hippie-Feeling und Boho-Inspiration. Fertig ist der perfekte Sommer Look! Southside, Glastonbury und Pinkpop - here we come! 

Teilnahmebedingungen findet ihr auf meinem Instagram (klick).

Total verliebt habe ich mich in diesen tollen Kimono, der für die Festivalsaison mein treuer Begleiter sein wird. (klick)

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Flowers and papayas


today I wanted to show some outfit inspirations. Asos sent me some beautiful pieces, which all remind me of summer . Warm colours, flowers, flattery fabrics. What do you guys think of the outfit? You can combine the kimono so easy, either with some mom jeans, flares or skinny jeans. 


All things are from Asos.

Monday, 15 February 2016

The Pleasant Trees

Oh my, it's been a while.
Sorry for my long abstinence on the blog. I was really busy writing my 'Staatsexamen', exams for university. But not normal exams... Final exams before graduation. I become really nostalgic when I think about leaving my student life soon (ok, still about one semester to go). 
Do you guys also write exams or are you already done? Or don't you have to write any? Let me know :)
Anyways, I am really frustrated about the weather here in Germany, it's freezing cold, rainy, grey. That's why I love to spent time at home with some friends, playing board games and so on. With tea and music that warms my mind. Luckily the struggle with cold temperatures will be hopefully over soon. I'm going to leave Germany in March. Yeah! But it's not about just traveling, it's also about improving some language skills and learning something new, doing some research that might be useful for my thesis. How do you spend cold days in March? Do you travel somewhere? Thailand? Bali? (These are the countries that came to my mind which seem to be on every bucket list except mine. Maybe you can persuade me:) ) 
I also was thinking about to do a q&a in my next blogpost. So if you have questions, let me know in the comments or via Instagram, so I can answer them. 
The picture you see I took 2014 in Bosnia, at the seaside (Bosnia has only around 15km coast) in Neum. I had an amazing relaxing time there, although it is just a small fishermen's village, the water is so clear and the fresh salty air made me happy. Funny story was actually that I didn't expect to see this small village again soon. Last year in March I made a trip to Macedonia and Albania, we took the bus back home from Kosovo (long story, actually we also had a flight) and we crossed the village early in the morning, when the sun was about to get up and filled the sea and the sleepy people with lush red. That is the story how I spent 10 minutes for getting myself a fresh coffee at 6am in a village, from whom I thought I won't see it in the next 5 years again.

I wish you a happy day